I wanted to drop a quick post here about a recent Orcus transit. I have natal Orcus at 26'13 Cancer, conjunct Sun, Mercury and Venus in 11th, but transit Orcus just crossed my Virgo ascendant on 9/11 and I have a couple of things to note.
Two things I've been doing lately are taking a pilot writing course and beginning to teach one class a month for an astrologer for whom I've been TA for three years. Both have been really fun endeavors, a lot of work, and - in the process of doing that work - I've been in deep study with much material. One critic/philosopher I've been sitting with again very deeply is Walter Benjamin. I've started reading The Arcades Project and am rereading the Theses on History and Messianic Time, but I remembered, too, that an old friend once sent this Benjamin quote to me in an email, and apparently I sent it back to him midday 9/11, the day Orcus contacted me directly. I think this thought applies so well to the oath keeper:
"The fairy in whose presence we are granted a wish is there for each of us. but few of us know how to remember the wish we have made; and so, few of us recognize its fulfillment later in our lives."
I had no idea when I sent this that Orcus was on my ascendant. This feels so eerie to me. A planet crossing the ascendant does feel like a fulfillment of some kind - a landing or arriving. And a wish is a sort of oath-taking.
This was also the exact day my pilot outline was due, which was the final fulfillment for my class, and writing for television is something I have always wanted! Not to say this particular dream will come to pass, but the wish was remembered, and I recognized it.
I've never really studied Orcus, and now I feel drawn to this planet. Thank you, Alan. ✨