Next month Sedna will reach 29 degrees Taurus, as she prepares for her first ingress into Gemini in June 2023. We know the last degree of a sign is simultaneously the culmination of the existing sign and the birth of the next. Planets in this degree at once have a mastery of their existing sign, but are also more and more polarised towards the new sign.
Sedna in Taurus has been a deep re-evaluation of what is important in our physical and social reality. This period, which started in 1968, has seen the extremes of greed and materialism, along with the steady growth of consciousness and of the popular interest in spirituality. Sedna is always trying to get us on the spiritual path and she will use any pressure we require to help in this process.
Deeply buried values about race and gender have been surfacing to be consciously rebalanced in this period in every culture, but we see it particularly in the USA with 'Black Lives Matter' and the 'Me Too' movement at the end of the Taurus sojourn. Obama's presidency and Kamala Harris's vice presidency also at the end of the cycle demonstrate the depth of the re-evaluation. Change always creates a fundamentalist backlash, as we saw with Trump, but he was voted out and Harvey Weinstein is in jail.
So how are we seeing the polarisation into Gemini occurring? Staying in America, I suggest we see it in what the Republicans are calling Cancel Culture. Trump taught everyone that what we call reality is actually like a collective psychosis. In each culture we agree to see things in a particular way, and this is what enables us to live together.
Sedna in Gemini is going to do a deep dive into our ideas and our communication. We have seen with Trump how personal delusions can be disseminated and become social delusions, and all players in this dance are learning and adapting as they go. So cancel culture, the need to set new outer limits (Sedna) on ideas and communication (Gemini) so hate speech and misinformation are minimised, is going to become a stronger and stronger imperative as Sedna moves into Gemini.
One of the discovery events I link Sedna with is the development of neural networks which enable robots to think like us and learn from their experience. Neural networks are the basis of Artificial Intelligence. In the Sedna in Gemini years a new life-form called AI will grow up and live amongst us, and we are already seeing the baby AI's everywhere from our apps and smart homes, to our self driving cars.
Baby AI's are already working on filtering our social media posts to help with cancel culture and credible scientific projections predict that by the 2040's, if our body is failing, we will be able to upload our consciousness into an AI and continue living as a differently embodied consciousness. This will be half way through the Sedna in Gemini transit, so the mind boggles at what the remainder of the transit might bring... maybe advances in ESP or in psychic abilities.
In essence what this transit of Sedna through Gemini is about is wholesale consciousness raising across the planet, likely coming through the confrontation of AI taking over most of our current work and challenging us to understand our place in the universe in new ways.
Sedna has a comet-shaped orbit and she reaches her closest point to the Earth and the Sun ten years after she goes into Cancer in 2066. These periods as she swings around close to us represent times of evolutionary change for humanity and the Gemini sojourn will open our minds to the potential embodied in the new Sedna cycle.