I hope you are enjoying today's Mercury trine Uranus. This is a good time to open up to new ideas and contacts. These two planets are the lower intellectual octaves, and the Sun is conjunct their higher octave, Makemake, at 9 degrees Libra.
So in these days, we are coming to a more full understanding of who we are and what we're doing. And when we know where we are coming from, we can seize the opportunity to reach out into our network and enable meaningful engagement.
The Sun and Makemake are also opposite Salacia at 9 degrees Aries today. Salacia is about finding the right time for our initiatives, and being able to take the leap of faith required when that time comes. I'm just loving Salacia, she's our new course this year, and I've been developing the course materials and getting to know her.
Salacia brings us to those moments were we can see the change we are destined to be. And, if we have the faith in our heart that it is the right move, this gives us the courage to leap into each transformative commitment. We can do this because we know in our heart it is right for us and the outcome is what we want.
Salacia encourages in us a deep sensitivity and a genuine love of life and humanity, and she enables us to weather the real and psychic storms in our lives. So if our bigger understanding is coming through challenging experiences in these days, this opposition should be able to give us some psychic protection.
Salacia is appealing, and she's all about intimate relationships and bringing true love into our lives at the top level. So our bigger understanding may also be coming through these intimate connections, or we could be drawing these connections to us through our appealing nature, or the appealing nature of our work.
As we develop spiritually, she enables us to remove the barriers to happiness in our lives, and we learn to approach life with an easy sense of humour and wit that helps us get through difficult times. Humour enables us to let go of shadow by being light hearted. We learn not to take ourselves or others so seriously and this lightness enables a tension release which both protects us and assists our growth.
And at the spiritually evolved level, she brings a sensitivity that can open us to psychic perceptions. So we might find that we are picking up information on a psychic level in these days, which enables us to build a better model of our world and more clearly understand our lives.
As we develop spiritually, she makes us want to be better than we would otherwise be, and she can bring religious awakenings. At this level she gives us the self-awareness to work with the unseen and take the leaps-of-faith required in our growth.
Salacia Earlybird
Salacia 101 is starting in a couple of weeks, and will run on Friday's in North America and Europe, and Saturday morning in Australia and New Zealand. All the scholarships were snapped up on this course at the beginning of the year, but I have extended the Earlybird price for those who want to join many of our graduates and current students on this exciting new course.
Astrology of Makemake
Our new textbook The Astrology of Makemake, Uranus' Higher Octave, is through the editing process and about to take form as a book. Feedback is excellent and it's looking great! It will be released on October 15th, both in paperback as well as a Kindle download.
To get the word of mouth promotion going, you will be sent an advance invite on the 14th to download a free version of the Kindle edition to read on your device. This will be a limited time opportunity, so you will have to act fast when you get the invitation. And the deal is, if you like it, you write a review on Amazon, or post something on social media, or tell a friend about it.
If you don't do the downloads yet, it's easy and the book reads well on your phone or device. All you need to do get the book, is first download the free Kindle app from your App Store. Then sign up for an Amazon account, or link it to your account, so they know where to send the book.
Join us if you can on the Salacia course, and thanks for your work on-boarding these new consciousness energies in your life.
Love and laughter
I absolutely loved the class! As a first time student of astrology, I can honestly say that aside from Alan (a wonderful teacher and guide), every one of the students in the class was a teacher for me. I learned so much and can’t wait for the next class to begin. - Mary Anne Pitt, USA
Thank you Alan for illuminating the wonderful energies of Salacia . I have been struggling with an oil painting of Salacia for over a year now (oils not been my usual medium). Last night I experienced a major breakthrough, and although the piece is not yet finished, I’m now in flow with the process. Imagine my surprise and delight to receive your email this morning highlighting Salacia in the skies, demonstrating just how powerful these energies are in our lives.
Im also in the process of creating an asteroid goddess oracle deck and book (a long term project), you can check out my asteroid goddess paintings at lindagemmill.com
Thank you for this shimmering delight_ful insight. And if I may add to this solar line up, Salacia is right now also conjunct with herself as in Amphitrite, her other fractal Greek delicious emanation, both basking in the triple trinity 9th degree point of Aries. And following this superfull moon in Aries, where both were a couple of degrees close to this powerful lunation, there is cardinal initiatory new impulse in crystalline clear æquaflame letters, write_pathing a Golden Red bricks way to the next eclipse cycle. I obviously jumped right into this 101 Salacia waverly course opportunity and am ecstatically so grateful to find you and this otherworldly university, at this unprecedented time which is of the utmost the Quintessence.…