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Just Released!

The Astrology of Haumea

This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University.

Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies.

There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context.

Click the book image to find it on Amazon

Writer's pictureAlan

Venus quintile Haumea

I hope you are enjoying today's Mercury trine Jupiter. These days are good for reaching out in some way, or making that contact which enables us to expand our lives.

And Eris is closely conjunct the North Node, so we are face to face with our destiny as we do this. Eris encourages full disclosure and valuing everything for what it is and conjunct the node we have to be authentic and do our dharmic work.

Haumea is also closely quintile Venus and semisextile the Sun, so we have an evolutionary opportunity to rejuvenate our values and relationships and connect with the magic of being alive.

Haumea is sitting at 29 minutes 48 seconds of Libra. And she will dive into Scorpio for the second time on October 1st. Haumea is an activist, in libra she's been on a freedom mission for the last 30 years, and in Scorpio that is going to get political and start changing the social dynamic.

She went into Scorpio back in mid-November last year, and within days the people of Iran were protesting the repression of women in that culture, after the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the morality police. The men are so afraid of the female power that they forbid them even to be seen. That power is Haumea, the connection with the oneness of our existence.

With Haumea's retrograde return to Libra in April this year, the morality police were withdrawn from the streets and some Iranian women have cast off their scarves and are bravely not accepting the cultural repression, and going about their lives. Beneath the surface however, the government has systematically arrested, killed and raped thousands of their citizens to try and quell the revolution.

Now as Haumea approaches Scorpio for a second time, the government has brought in harsh new laws for incorrect female dress, with a 7 year jail term. The Morality Police have also returned to the streets, and at the moment are just reminding women without scarves of the law. Right now, they are occasionally being met with a "Screw you!", but the proverbial 'shit is about to hit the fan', as Haumea goes back into Scorpio.

What does that mean for us in our lives? Mundane events provide a social example of how the ingress will affect us personally. We've all been sowing our wild oats during the Librian sojourn, as much as our karma and culture would allow. And now, with the dive into Scorpio, we have to negotiate or activate that freedom within our deep and meaningful interactions.

If those interactions are oppressive, it will be a revolution. But most of us have worked our way into a place of spiritual freedom, and what we will now be doing is giving that freedom meaning. We will be finding the place for our personal psychic connection to the oneness of everything, amidst the rival demands of everyone else's deep and meaningful connection with the magic of being alive.

I predict we will discover that it actually all works together beautifully, but there may well be some argy-bargy on the way to that realisation. And we have to remember with Haumea, that the more we can surrender the old, to make space for the new, the easier the process of rejuvenation will be.

Haumea Scholarships

One way to consciously do this, is to join our Haumea 101 course starting on October 14. And I have a limited number of scholarships available to those who respond early.

What students love about the classes is the community sharing, through blog-posted assignments and live Zoom Q&As, which gives a good picture of how these new planets act similarly, and yet diversely in our lives.

The Astrology of Makemake

And finally, Jupiter is still biquintile Makemake, so we have an evolutionary level opportunity to expand our understanding of our world in these weeks, and we may find we are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

One way to be in the right place at the right time is to take the opportunity to download a free copy of our second textbook, The Astrology of Makemake, Uranus' Higher Octave, which will be released on October 15th - both in paperback as well as a Kindle download. This will be a limited time opportunity, so you will have to act fast when you get the blog post about it.

Join us if you can on the Haumea course, and thanks for your work on-boarding these new consciousness energies in your life.

Love and laughter


"As one returning to astrological study after decades away, I find Alan’s instruction fun and informative, and the classroom format a gift of shared learning for everyone participating. Alan has created a safe and supportive space where anyone, at any level of knowledge, can thrive and shine. His obvious love of this work illuminates its presentation. I echo the comments of others, “Best astrology classes ever!” - Nalini MacNab, USA

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