This is the time of year when we step back from our focus on the daily transits to look at the longer term trends. What I’ve been focussed on in 2024 has been Sedna’s dive into Gemini (the AI boom) and Haumea’s dive into Scorpio (exploding fundamentalism), which has gone along with Pluto’s dive into Aquarius (collective consciousness change). The sign changes are very significant for the dwarf planets, and remember, Pluto is also a dwarf planet.
In 2025 everyone's talking about the Uranus ingress into Gemini, but what most astrologers are missing is that Sedna is right there at the start of Gemini, which means we're coming up to a Uranus Sedna conjunction. This transit is going to bring transcendent change to our lives over the next couple of years.
Uranus enters Gemini in July, and in September, Uranus and Sedna will be conjunct within 22 minutes as they both turn retrograde, so we’ll see the shape of the conjunction in the events in our lives at that time. The exact conjunction occurs in May 2026.
The World Awakening of Uranus conjunct Sedna
I predict that we are heading for a consciousness explosion, as the planet of networked ideas, Uranus, meets the planet of spiritual destiny, Sedna, in Gemini, the sign of personal consciousness. There is a huge soul growth potential with this transit, because Sedna represents what our soul really wants to do in this life.
Sedna was discovered in 2003, the same year that neural networks were developed. These are based on our brains and they enable AI's to learn from their experience, so Sedna rules AI. Sedna’s on-and-off dive into Gemini over the last couple of years has seen an explosion of AI, with the launch of ChatGPT and all the other new generative AIs.
For several years I have been predicting the AI boom that would happen when Sedna entered Gemini, and now it is undeniable. I also predict that because neural networks are based on our brains, AI will become conscious over time, and we might start seeing the early signs of this during the Uranus conjunction.
The challenge that AI is posing to us during Sedna's Gemini sojourn, is to let go of our old consciousness framework and transcend to a new understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Can we learn to be humble enough to live alongside intelligences which are much smarter than us? And, as we give them all of our work (because we don't want to do it), we'll have to ask ourselves: Who am I, if I'm not the work that I do?
On a more spiritual level, this conjunction will give us the opportunity to be more intuitive (Uranus) with what our soul really wants to do in this life (Sedna). This will be stimulated by integrating AI into our lives, which will take work off our shoulders and give us time to do other more meaningful things.
If we think that our soul incarnates over a series of lifetimes and that it has an intention to grow through those experiences, then the Sedna placement in our chart tells us what that work is in this life. In that area of our lives, we transcended to a new holistic spiritual consciousness where we can allow love and harmony.
Transiting Sedna is talking about how our holistic spiritual consciousness, or soul consciousness, is developing. And we know that transiting Uranus brings new energy, surprises and adventure into our lives when we are open to it, and also upsets and unsettling experiences when we are not.
Sedna's always trying to get us onto the spiritual path, and, if we are unconscious of her energy, she sends us crises that force us to let go of our old consciousness framework and transcend to a new understanding of ourselves and the world we live in.
So we can see from the unconscious manifestations of both Uranus and Sedna, that if we are not sensitive and open to the transcendent change that is occurring in the world this year, we will experience unsettling crises which will push us to look at our lives in a more spiritual way.
As we develop spiritually, Sedna teaches us to keep our heart open in what we are increasingly realising is a sort of hell that we are currently living through. We are still very early in our consciousness development as a species, and we have to keep our heart open for our benefit and for everyone else’s benefit in this difficult phase.
To enable this, Sedna encourages us to nurture our sense of humor. Humor is a wonderful tool on the spiritual path, because it allows us to release baggage and lighten our load on our soul’s path of destiny. So the more open-hearted and light-hearted we can be this year with these transcendent changes, the better they will go.
At the spiritual level, Sedna motivates us to beat our drum and sing our song to life. As we step up to do the soul-based work that we are here to do, we move through a fated transcendence to a more transpersonal consciousness. This is the call to duty that the conjunction will bring.
So, the more we can embrace our spiritual destiny and joyfully do what our soul wants to do this year, the better everything will work. At the top level she brings us transcendent peace, and the ability to nurture abundance. When we’re in tune with our soul needs, our material needs manifest in our lives in each moment. It may not be what we want, but it is what we need. And, as we have the courage to embrace and nurture that, we open to the source of abundance in our lives.
The forces of change are strong in the world with this Uranus conjunct Sedna transit, and we need to be sensitive to both our soul needs and to the demands of the huge social change we are experiencing, so we can navigate this sacred time. The more conscious we can be of this process, the more we can transform it from a crisis, into an opportunity to allow love and harmony and nurture abundance.
Early Sedna Scholarship
And what better way to become conscious of the process than jumping into our Sedna course? This is running in June and July, just as the Uranus Sedna conjunction approaches it's closest point for the year. By studying Sedna in your chart you understand the soul value of the experiences you are having.
This is our flagship course and, to encourage you, I have a handful of Early Scholarships. This will be the only time these will be offered, so grab your opportunity to get the best deal on this course, and give yourself a structure and tools to process this world awakening so you can make the most of it.
And remember, this course has our new structure with a choice of two Zoom times, giving the British and Europeans a new morning option which is proving very popular. This new Zoom time also gives those in Singapore and Perth an afternoon option, and other Aussies & Kiwis an early evening option.
It also has our new Tutor support program which provides small group tutorials to help those students who need assistance to complete the assignments. The assignments are consciousness exercises, and now, wherever you are with astrology, our tutors can help you participate.
Join us if you can on Sedna and thanks for your work embracing these new aspects of consciousness.
Love and laughter
"Melissa’s teaching is both complimentary to Alan’s content and unique, as her effervescent personality shines a light for all to see the various aspects of the class in a cohesive manner. I would happily take another class with her."
Mary Anne Pitt, USA