I hope you are enjoying today's Mercury sextile Uranus. Our two trickster messengers are playing well together today, so be open and playful for best results in your ideas and communication.
However I'm also strongly feeling the retrograde Neptune that we've had for the last week. Have you experienced people taking your best intentions as a problem? Or has the support seemingly dried up for your current dream? But maybe the germ of a new dream is beginning to sprout?
Retrograde Neptune brings about a fundamental change in our self-understanding and our spiritual growth. And during the early retrograde period there is a reassessment occurring which prepares for that change.

The big news at the end of next week is that the Nodes will change signs, with the North Node moving from Taurus to Aries, and the South Node from Scorpio to Libra. As they change sign, the South Node is conjunct Haumea on the cusp of Scorpio, and inconjunct Sedna on the cusp of Gemini.
Conjunct Haumea
The South Node moving into Libra can bring up karmic issues around our values and in our relationships. We may also have to seek justice, or sort out injustice in some way. While the North Node going into Aries is a time for us to take destined action, now is the time to make our mark on the world.
The South Node conjunction with Haumea on the Scorpio cusp, suggests that our karmic release work will form part of a rejuvenation that is going on in our lives as we pro-actively seek a deeper psychic connection with a community of like-minded souls.
To understand this rejuvenation process in your life, check out your copy of The Astrology of Haumea, Neptune's Higher Octave for the interpretation of the House which includes the Scorpio cusp in your chart. And if you don't have the book, you can order it from any online or corner-store bookshop! We're now up to eight 5-star reviews on Amazon, thank you guys for your support!
Inconjunct Sedna
The inconjunct from the South Node to Sedna suggests that some of the karmic stuff that we're working with will be what our soul really wants to do in this life, but other parts will not. So during this period we will be letting go of old karma. This is a fated aspect which pushes us to learn certain things and, with Sedna involved, these things involve our spiritual growth.
This is often the hardest work we do, and the work we are most resistant to doing, but the work that has the most payoff for our soul. When we don't embrace it willingly, Sedna builds pressure in our lives until we reach a transcendent crisis which motivates a more spiritual approach. This pressure can take any form, but frequently manifests as some form of victimisation or persistent illness.
Sedna is always trying to get us onto the spiritual path and at the unconscious level she will use any pressure available to create a crisis, so we are forced to let go of our old consciousness and transcend to a new understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.
There is no solution to a Sedna crisis, we have to be counter-intuitive and let go early to avoid repeated pain. And transcendence is scary, because we don’t know where it will take us, but Saturnian solutions won’t solve Sedna crises, letting go of them will.
When we are on the spiritual path, Sedna teaches us to keep our heart open in what we are realizing increasingly is a sort of hell that we are currently living through. We are still very early in our consciousness development as a species, and we have to keep our heart open for our benefit and for everyone else’s benefit in this difficult phase.
To do this I encourage us to nurture our sense of humor. A sense of humor is a wonderful tool on the spiritual path, because it allows us to release baggage and lighten our load on our soul’s path of destiny.
And at the spiritually evolved level Sedna talks about transcendent peace, and about nurturing abundance and allowing love and harmony. We need to nurture abundance, it doesn’t just happen naturally. And we need to allow love and harmony, they only occur when we allow them. These are the lessons we are learning in these years.
Because Sedna talks about our spiritual heritage, her inconjunct with the South Node and resulting semi-sextile to the North Node, tells us that releasing heritage karma will be part of both our practical destiny and our spiritual destiny, which are working together in this period of change. And the house where the Gemini cusp is located in your chart, is the area of life in which this destined transcendent pressure will occur.
Sedna Scholarships
One way you can work with both the retrograde Neptune and Sedna inconjunct the South Node, is to sign up for our our flagship Sedna course, starting on September 9. And to tempt you to explore your own Soul's Path of Destiny, I have a few early scholarships which enable you to get this course at a bargain NZ$80 (about US$49, EU46). You'll never get this course so cheap!
Join us if you can on the Sedna course, and thanks for your work on-boarding these new consciousness energies in your life.
Love and laughter
Alan Clay’s work has transformed my thinking—about my chart, about my practice—even about astrology itself. Alan is a born teacher. - Ariel Harper Nave, Canada
_________________________________________________ New Book:
The Astrology of Haumea, Neptune's Higher Octave
This is the first of a series of textbooks on the astrology of the new dwarf planets, based on the research at the Dwarf Planet University. Probably the most valuable section is the house interpretations, looking at how Haumea manifests in our daily lives with example case studies.
There is also a workbook to locate and on-board this new energy in your chart. And a section introducing each of the dwarf planets to put Haumea in context.
5 out of 5 stars - Awing & Accessible.
I got goosebumps just reading the introduction… Alan Clay is doing us all a great service: he manages to name and describe the newly discovered dwarf planets and their relevance, in a way that’s both dazzling and succinct. One doesn’t need to be an astrologer to benefit from this book, or his book on Sedna. Alan Clay has an innate capacity to link us with the far out planets in a humble and grounded way. It’s truly frontier work. Amazon review